Omae wa Mada Gunma wo Shiranai

The comedy manga centers on Nori Kamitsuki, who moves from Chiba Prefecture to a fictionalized version of Gunma Prefecture northwest of Tokyo, and the story focuses on Gunma's culture. Before moving to Gunma, Kamitsuki only sees that the prefecture has a fearsome reputation on the net. Upon moving, he soon makes contact with the people who hold a strong love of Gunma's culture.

(Source: Anime News Network)
is a site to watch online anime like Omae wa Mada Gunma wo Shiranai online, or you can even watch Omae wa Mada Gunma wo Shiranai in HD quality
The comedy manga centers on Nori Kamitsuki, who moves from Chiba Prefecture to a fictionalized version of Gunma Prefecture northwest of Tokyo, and the story focuses on Gunma's culture. Before moving to Gunma, Kamitsuki only sees that the prefecture has a fearsome reputation on the net. Upon moving, he soon makes contact with the people who hold a strong love of Gunma's culture.

(Source: Anime News Network)
Other names: YDKGY
Aired: April 2, 2018 to June 18, 2018
Episodes: 0
Premiered: SPRING
Duration: 4m
Status: Completed
Genres: Comedy
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like Omae wa Mada Gunma wo Shiranai online, or you can even watch Omae wa Mada Gunma wo Shiranai in HD quality