
The anime's college rugby story centers on Natsusa Yuzuki, who expects to be an ace on the rugby team when he enrolls in college. However, he is no longer able to play rugby due to certain circumstances. Ibuki Ueoka is an older fellow student who quit rugby. Yasunari Tsuru is a younger student who finds Natsusa disagreeable. Yuu Mashiro is a younger student who admires and follows Natsusa. Seiichirou Shingyou is Natsusa's close childhood friend. Together, they compete in the Kansai university rugby league.

(Source: Anime News Network)
is a site to watch online anime like number24 online, or you can even watch number24 in HD quality
The anime's college rugby story centers on Natsusa Yuzuki, who expects to be an ace on the rugby team when he enrolls in college. However, he is no longer able to play rugby due to certain circumstances. Ibuki Ueoka is an older fellow student who quit rugby. Yasunari Tsuru is a younger student who finds Natsusa disagreeable. Yuu Mashiro is a younger student who admires and follows Natsusa. Seiichirou Shingyou is Natsusa's close childhood friend. Together, they compete in the Kansai university rugby league.

(Source: Anime News Network)
Other names: Number 24,ナンバー・トゥーフォー
Aired: January 8, 2020 to April 15, 2020
Episodes: 13
Premiered: WINTER
Duration: 24m
Status: Completed
Genres: Sports
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like number24 online, or you can even watch number24 in HD quality