
The story follows the coming-of-age of Natsuna Keyaki, a college student from Tokyo who goes to Kumamoto after losing contact with her friend after the 2016 earthquakes. There, she meets individuals with colorful personalities, such as middle school girl Izumi, who begin to light a passion in Natsuna.

(Source: Anime News Network, edited)
is a site to watch online anime like Natsunagu! online, or you can even watch Natsunagu! in HD quality
The story follows the coming-of-age of Natsuna Keyaki, a college student from Tokyo who goes to Kumamoto after losing contact with her friend after the 2016 earthquakes. There, she meets individuals with colorful personalities, such as middle school girl Izumi, who begin to light a passion in Natsuna.

(Source: Anime News Network, edited)
Other names:
Aired: January 7, 2020 to March 24, 2020
Episodes: 12
Premiered: WINTER
Duration: 4m
Status: Completed
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like Natsunagu! online, or you can even watch Natsunagu! in HD quality