
Makafushigi is an original animation featuring the song "MAKAFUKA" by RADWIMPS. Directed by Nobutaka Yoda and animated by studio Cloverworks, this video is a collaboration between the Japanese rock band RADWIMPS and the Korean MMORPG Gran Saga. The song featured is also used as the theme song for the mobile game.

Note: A 30-second version was previously released on October 20, 2021 in Gran Saga's official YouTube channel. The full version of the music video was released five days later on the RADWIMPS YouTube channel.
is a site to watch online anime like Makafushigi online, or you can even watch Makafushigi in HD quality
Makafushigi is an original animation featuring the song "MAKAFUKA" by RADWIMPS. Directed by Nobutaka Yoda and animated by studio Cloverworks, this video is a collaboration between the Japanese rock band RADWIMPS and the Korean MMORPG Gran Saga. The song featured is also used as the theme song for the mobile game.

Note: A 30-second version was previously released on October 20, 2021 in Gran Saga's official YouTube channel. The full version of the music video was released five days later on the RADWIMPS YouTube channel.
Other names: MAKAFUKA,グランサガ×RADWIMPS,Gran Saga × RADWIMPS
Aired: October 25, 2021 to October 25, 2021
Episodes: 0
Duration: 3m
Status: Completed
Genres: Supernatural
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like Makafushigi online, or you can even watch Makafushigi in HD quality