Neon The Animation
Promotional animated videos of Osaka's entertainment and shopping district, Nipponbashi (or colloquially known as Nippombashi) narrated by Nipponbashi's mascot Neon and her sister Hikari-chan. Nipponbashi is the equal of Tokyo's Akihabara.
is a site to watch online anime like Neon The Animation online, or you can even watch Neon The Animation in HD quality
Promotional animated videos of Osaka's entertainment and shopping district, Nipponbashi (or colloquially known as Nippombashi) narrated by Nipponbashi's mascot Neon and her sister Hikari-chan. Nipponbashi is the equal of Tokyo's Akihabara.
Other names:
July 4, 2011 to
April 3, 2015
Episodes: 0
Premiered: SUMMER
Duration: 5m
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like Neon The Animation online, or you can even watch Neon The Animation in HD quality