An animated special made by Tezuka Productions to celebrate the new millennium. The special contained a wide variety of different characters created by Osamu Tezuka, known as the "Star System". Characters would be given awards based on their performances throughout the years. Very little about the special has surfaced online, and it's considered completely lost.
is a site to watch online anime like OSAMU TEZUKA ACADEMY TAISHOU online, or you can even watch OSAMU TEZUKA ACADEMY TAISHOU in HD quality
An animated special made by Tezuka Productions to celebrate the new millennium. The special contained a wide variety of different characters created by Osamu Tezuka, known as the "Star System". Characters would be given awards based on their performances throughout the years. Very little about the special has surfaced online, and it's considered completely lost.
Other names:
Aired: December 31, 1999 to December 31, 1999
Episodes: 0
Premiered: FALL
Duration: 25m
Status: Completed
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like OSAMU TEZUKA ACADEMY TAISHOU online, or you can even watch OSAMU TEZUKA ACADEMY TAISHOU in HD quality