
The "life-and-death sibling" story follows Utsutsu and Yume Hasegawa, a boy and his little sister who find themselves all alone. One day, Yume sees a mysterious red butterfly and her body undergoes a strange metamorphosis—into a creature that eats humans. Utsutsu struggles to find a way to restore his sister.

(Source: Anime News Network)
is a site to watch online anime like Pupa online, or you can even watch Pupa in HD quality
The "life-and-death sibling" story follows Utsutsu and Yume Hasegawa, a boy and his little sister who find themselves all alone. One day, Yume sees a mysterious red butterfly and her body undergoes a strange metamorphosis—into a creature that eats humans. Utsutsu struggles to find a way to restore his sister.

(Source: Anime News Network)
Other names:
Aired: January 10, 2014 to March 28, 2014
Episodes: 12
Premiered: WINTER
Duration: 4m
Status: Completed
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like Pupa online, or you can even watch Pupa in HD quality