The series stars an elementary school boy named Dameo Marude, who has little success with anything he tries, and a robot named Borot, which is good with housekeeping.
Based on the same name manga by Morita Kenji, serialized in Weekly Shounen Magazine.
Marude Dameo
is a site to watch online anime like Marude Dameo online, or you can even watch Marude Dameo in HD quality
The series stars an elementary school boy named Dameo Marude, who has little success with anything he tries, and a robot named Borot, which is good with housekeeping.
Based on the same name manga by Morita Kenji, serialized in Weekly Shounen Magazine.
Based on the same name manga by Morita Kenji, serialized in Weekly Shounen Magazine.
Other names:
November 2, 1991 to
September 26, 1992
Episodes: 0
Premiered: FALL
Duration: 25m
Status: Completed
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like Marude Dameo online, or you can even watch Marude Dameo in HD quality