In modern Japan, where history has strangely overlapped with reality. There, seven "Kings" with great superpowers existed. Along with their clansman to whom they shared their own power with, the kings each formed clans. Order bound by blue, red flames that cause chaos, irregularities that shine in white, and reforms branched off into green. The Kings, each with their own abilities, now...

With "jungle" once again jumping back into action, the fates of the various Kings are brought together.

(Source: Anime News Network, spoilers edited out)
is a site to watch online anime like K: RETURN OF KINGS online, or you can even watch K: RETURN OF KINGS in HD quality
In modern Japan, where history has strangely overlapped with reality. There, seven "Kings" with great superpowers existed. Along with their clansman to whom they shared their own power with, the kings each formed clans. Order bound by blue, red flames that cause chaos, irregularities that shine in white, and reforms branched off into green. The Kings, each with their own abilities, now...

With "jungle" once again jumping back into action, the fates of the various Kings are brought together.

(Source: Anime News Network, spoilers edited out)
Other names: K-Project 2
Aired: October 3, 2015 to December 26, 2015
Episodes: 13
Premiered: FALL
Duration: 24m
Status: Completed
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like K: RETURN OF KINGS online, or you can even watch K: RETURN OF KINGS in HD quality