Chou Tokkyuu Hikarian is about a series of bullet trains that are turned into robots. The robots, along with two humans named Tetsuyuki Shinbashi and Minayo Kanda, have to stop an alien invasion.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Chou Tokkyuu Hikarian
is a site to watch online anime like Chou Tokkyuu Hikarian online, or you can even watch Chou Tokkyuu Hikarian in HD quality
Chou Tokkyuu Hikarian is about a series of bullet trains that are turned into robots. The robots, along with two humans named Tetsuyuki Shinbashi and Minayo Kanda, have to stop an alien invasion.
(Source: Wikipedia)
(Source: Wikipedia)
Other names: Hikarian: Great Railroad Protector
April 2, 1997 to
March 29, 2000
Episodes: 0
Premiered: SPRING
Duration: 7m
Status: Completed
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like Chou Tokkyuu Hikarian online, or you can even watch Chou Tokkyuu Hikarian in HD quality