Arei no Kagami: Way to the Virgin Space

The story follows Daichi Meguru and Mayu, a young boy and a pilot, as they flee their war torn planet and into space. Upon their ship a stowaway android named Zero joins their quest as they travel through Halley's Mirror.

(Source: Wikipedia)
is a site to watch online anime like Arei no Kagami: Way to the Virgin Space online, or you can even watch Arei no Kagami: Way to the Virgin Space in HD quality
The story follows Daichi Meguru and Mayu, a young boy and a pilot, as they flee their war torn planet and into space. Upon their ship a stowaway android named Zero joins their quest as they travel through Halley's Mirror.

(Source: Wikipedia)
Other names:
Aired: March 16, 1985 to March 16, 1985
Episodes: 0
Premiered: SPRING
Duration: 25m
Status: Completed
Anigone is a site to watch online anime like Arei no Kagami: Way to the Virgin Space online, or you can even watch Arei no Kagami: Way to the Virgin Space in HD quality